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Russia to expel UK defence attache in a tit-for-tat move

Russia to expel UK defence attache in a tit-for-tat move

Moscow declares A. T. Coghill persona non grata in response to London expelling Russian defence attache over espionage allegations. Russia has declared The United Kingdom’s defence attache persona non grata and gave the diplomat a week to leave the country in response to London expelling the Russian defence attache earlier this month over spying allegations....

UK Active and Savanta launch quarterly consumer engagement insight

UK Active and Savanta launch quarterly consumer engagement insight

Improving physical strength and fitness, mental health and confidence are the main reasons for joining a health club, while cost, time and motivation are the main reasons for leaving. These were some of the key findings of the first UK Active Consumer Engagement report, undertaken in collaboration with insight specialist Savanta. The report is based...

Saudi activist sentenced to 11 years in prison ‘over choice of clothing’

Saudi activist sentenced to 11 years in prison ‘over choice of clothing’

A women’s rights activist and fitness influencer from Saudi Arabia has been sentenced to 11 years in prison over her choice of clothes, human rights groups have claimed. Manahel al-Otaibi was sentenced in January but details of her case only recently emerged in Saudi Arabia’s formal reply to a United Nations human rights request after...

How We Can Exercise Away Addiction and Depression

How We Can Exercise Away Addiction and Depression

Exorcise addictive and depressive demons the way celebrities do — with exercise. You’ve probably heard how many famous people have chosen exercise to effectively prevent and even treat mental health problems like addictions and depression. This is because exercise helps support and normalize mood-stabilizing neurochemicals like dopamine and glutamate, as well as serotonin. Brain Chemicals...

Why Do Athletes Keep Falling for Quacks?

Why Do Athletes Keep Falling for Quacks?

Scientific knowledge is accessible to more people today than ever before, yet the relationship competitive sports and the fitness industry share with medical quackery, useless gimmicks, and anti-scientific concepts are as strong as ever. It may be worse than ever, thanks to social media, which now amplifies and delivers lies on an enormous scale. Nick...

Movement Is Medicine: Exercise for Well-Being

Movement Is Medicine: Exercise for Well-Being

Source: Ray_Shrewsberry/1978 Images/Pixabay I’m giving a talk next week on men and mental health for International Men’s Health Week (10-16 June) and I have been told, in no uncertain terms, to devote a section of my presentation to the physical and psychological benefits of exercise. Not just because the well-being coordinators behind the talk think...

Teenage cancer patients will die because of trial age limits, charity warns

Teenage cancer patients will die because of trial age limits, charity warns

Teenage cancer patients will die because of trial age limits which prevent them from testing new drugs, a charity has warned. A new report published by the Teenage Cancer Trust has found that young people aged 13–24 are missing out on the chance to take part in clinical trials, leaving them unable to get innovative...

Smart gadgets: Tougher rules for sellers of internet-enabled devices in the UK

Smart gadgets: Tougher rules for sellers of internet-enabled devices in the UK

28 April 2024 By Lucy Hooker,Business reporter, BBC News Getty Images “Smart” gadgets range from mobile phones and watches to baby monitors and games consoles Manufacturers will have to follow stricter rules if they want to sell “smart” gadgets in the UK after a new law came into effect. It is designed to ensure there...

Home Office to detain asylum seekers across UK in shock Rwanda operation

Home Office to detain asylum seekers across UK in shock Rwanda operation

The Home Office will launch a major operation to detain asylum seekers across the UK on Monday, weeks earlier than expected, in preparation for their deportation to Rwanda, the Guardian can reveal. Officials plan to hold asylum seekers who turn up for routine meetings at immigration service offices or bail appointments and will also pick...