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Youth mobility impasse reveals UK’s divide and rule tactics

Youth mobility impasse reveals UK’s divide and rule tactics

UNITED KINGDOM-EUROPE University World News has reported on the swift and negative response of both the United Kingdom Labour Party, which sees itself as the government in waiting, and the ruling Conservative Party to the latest ideas of the European Commission on a mobility plan to enable UK and EU citizens in the 18-30 age...

Macron admits EU needs UK to beat Russia as bloc ‘not enough’ to stop Putin

Macron admits EU needs UK to beat Russia as bloc ‘not enough’ to stop Putin

French President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that the European Union alone might not be sufficient to counter threats posed by Russia. He highlighted the importance of working closely with non-EU partners, including the United Kingdom, to build a comprehensive European security framework. Speaking to The Economist, Macron reflected on the changing security landscape, pointing out a...

Britain ‘must invest in Iron Dome as world war looms’

Britain ‘must invest in Iron Dome as world war looms’

Gen McMaster, who served as national security adviser between 2017 and 2018, said: “I think it’s quite urgent for the United Kingdom, the United States, for all nations to invest more in defence. “What we’ve seen is we have a huge gap in our defence, industrial base, and in the capacity of all of our...

United Kingdom: Restoration project honors enduring impact of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s message of peace | BWNS

United Kingdom: Restoration project honors enduring impact of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s message of peace | BWNS

BRISTOL, United Kingdom — The Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom recently marked the completion of the restoration of an apartment at 17 Royal York Crescent in Bristol, where ‘Abdu’l-Bahá stayed and gave public presentations in 1911 and again in 1913 during His historic travels to the West. Members of the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly of...

UK students begin new wave of protests against Gaza war after US arrests

UK students begin new wave of protests against Gaza war after US arrests

A fresh wave of student demonstrations and encampments are under way at UK universities in protest over the war in Gaza after violent scenes on campuses in the US, where hundreds have been arrested in a crackdown by police. Protests were due to take place in at least six universities on Wednesday, including Sheffield, Bristol,...

Why Britain’s towns and cities are going bust

Why Britain’s towns and cities are going bust

Birmingham’s city center is thronged by empty lots with unfinished and unstarted building projects, like this one in the Deritend area. In 1890, an American journalist named Julian Ralph traveled from New York to Birmingham, an industrial powerhouse lying squarely in the center of England, and found it to be “the best-governed city in the...

U.S. reduces arms licensing burden for U.K., Australia to boost AUKUS

U.S. reduces arms licensing burden for U.K., Australia to boost AUKUS

WASHINGTON – The U.S. State Department unveiled its proposal to reduce licensing requirements for transferring military equipment and sensitive technology to Australia and Britain as part of the AUKUS defense project. AUKUS, formed in 2021 to address shared worries about China’s growing power, would involve Australia acquiring nuclear-powered attack submarines, among other items of defense...

UK sanctions corrupt politicians in Uganda who stole from vulnerable communities

UK sanctions corrupt politicians in Uganda who stole from vulnerable communities

UK imposes sanctions on Ugandan politicians including the Speaker of Parliament following corruption charges for stealing from the poorest communities in Uganda.  This is the first time the UK has used the Global Anti-Corruption Sanctions regime on individuals involved in corruption in Uganda. New sanctions are part of the UK’s continued effort to crack down on...